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Showing posts from November, 2018

Week 14 Storylab: Writers Write

Writers Write the tone of your story is crucial tone conveys the entire attitude of the story the tone is not the same as voice voice is the personality tone is conveyed through diction tone should always be communicated clearly body language in stories makes the story come to life a good majority of communication is non verbal use body language in moderation try to avoid the word "very" there are 45 other words to use instead of very character traits are crucial when creating a character traits are formed by the behavior every character should have positive and negative traits

Reading Post: Jataka Tales, Part B

The Banyan Deer By: Ellen C. Babbitt describes main character details the characters description analogies to describe the appearance of the deer description of the setting introduces other characters states the problem of the story explains emotions of the characters introduces solution to problem describes actions of the king the deer come up with a solution kindess happens all deer are granted their life dialogue between animals and human the deer all live A mother deer and her baby.

Reading Post: Jataka Tales, Part A

How the Turtle Saved His Own Life By: Ellen C. Babbitt introduces character describes his actions sets up the setting describes the kings actions and why he did them use dialogue to describe emotions encounter something scary the king introduces solution to the problem dialogue to discuss the problem and solution trickery is used turtle tricks others the turtle is safe and the others were tricked Turtles in the lake

Week 13 Story: The Well Trained Dog

Once upon a time, there was a king a lived in a kingdom that he loved very much. The king was well liked and he was known to be a kind man. One day he decided he wanted a dog as a pet. He called upon one of his workers and told him to find the most special dog he could. The worker did exactly that, he traveled all over until he came upon a man that gave him a small puppy. This puppy had the brightest blue eyes that anyone had ever seen and his coat had the most beautiful shades of white and grey. The worker knew this was a special dog, so he paid the man and returned back to the kingdom. When he returned he presented the puppy to the king, he was ecstatic. He knew the dog was special and he could not wait to show him off. The king put his dog on the most exotic leash he could find and went out to walk around the kingdom. People were stopping in their tracks to look at the dog. Everyone who saw this puppy was amazed at its beauty and poise. The dog didn't bark, bite or disobey, it...

Reading Post: Eastern Stories and Legends, Part D

The Well Trained Elephant By: Marie L. Shedlock introduces the elephant describes the elephant introduces king king is in charge of elephant the king and elephant interact dialogue from people of the town king gets jealous describes his emotions elephant is sent on a journey  elephant has to prove himself dialogue between the king and elephant trainer the king becomes frustrated king requests something impossible man speaks to elephant supernatural events elephant leaves the king people in the city chime in the king became a good person The king on his elephant

Reading Post: Eastern Stories and Legends, Part C

The Pupil Who Taught His Teacher By: Marie L. Shedlock introduces main character the character is sent on a journey given a task death of someone describes emotions of characters dialogue between pupil and teacher the teacher now goes on a journey the teacher sets out to find the answer to a question pupil is given a duty describes actions of teacher teacher asks many questions of pupil's family teacher finds out his answer Eastern Stories and Legends Cover

Storylab: Week 12, TEDed Styles

What Makes a Hero? what do all heroes heroes all have in common their journey is all a common factor the journey is a cycle the journey has key events they have a call to adventure hero needs help  hero crosses the thresh hold  trials occur approach the worst fear crisis occurs, heroes darkest hour reborn treasure, special recognition hero returns to his ordinary world resolution  many journey is very similar amongst all hero stories How To Write Descriptively explains why we read fiction stories fiction stories bring out so many emotions in people descriptive words use metaphors the point is to cast a temporary allusion you want the reader to feel what the character feels fiction should play with the reader's senses each word should cater to a specific sense the goal is to create a world full of senses make unaccepted connotations  A hero 

Reading Post: Eastern Stories and Legends, Part B

The Monkey That Saved the Herd By: Marie L. Shedlock Begins with Buddha being reborn as a monkey describes the setting of the story introduces characters introduces the protagonist the monkey speaks to the others warned of bad things in the forest tempted by another lake the monkey realizes lake is haunted by an ogre dialogue between ogre and monkey monkey seeks to trick the ogre the monkeys plan is set into motion all other monkeys followed the kings actions the monkeys win The monkey king.

Reading Post: Eastern Stories and Legends, Part A

The Hare That Ran Away By: Marie L. Shedlock begins by referencing the Buddha he is born again as a lion explains why he is an animal introduces animal that is to be helped explains why this animal needs help describes the hares actions dialogue between hare and other animals the hare started a panic all animals were panicking  gets back to the lion dialogue between all animals lion follows the chain of talking all the way to the hare hare and lion talk the hare was no longer frightened  lion helps the other animals all returns to peace The Lion .

Week 11 Story: The Arrogant Wolf

The Arrogant Wolf Once upon a time there was a wolf that had not eaten in many days. He spent every day searching for food he could eat but every day he had no food he became weaker. The weaker he became the less capable he was of hunting for food. One day he came across a tiger that had just killed a buffalo, the smell of the meat was too much for the wolf to handle. He approached the tiger and asked him if he could have any of his meet. The tiger laughed and asked the wolf how would this benefit him to give away his kill? The wolf assured the tiger that he was willing to do anything for the tiger to eat. The tiger thought about it and came to the decision that this was a good idea. The tiger told the wolf that everyday he has to go to the top of the mountain and search for a elephant, giraffe or buffalo for him to kill and when he sees one he must come back and report it. The wolf agreed. Day after day this agreement went on, the wolf would find the animal and the tiger would kil...