What Makes a Hero?
- what do all heroes heroes all have in common
- their journey is all a common factor
- the journey is a cycle
- the journey has key events
- they have a call to adventure
- hero needs help
- hero crosses the thresh hold
- trials occur
- approach the worst fear
- crisis occurs, heroes darkest hour
- reborn
- treasure, special recognition
- hero returns to his ordinary world
- resolution
- many journey is very similar amongst all hero stories
- explains why we read fiction stories
- fiction stories bring out so many emotions in people
- descriptive words
- use metaphors
- the point is to cast a temporary allusion
- you want the reader to feel what the character feels
- fiction should play with the reader's senses
- each word should cater to a specific sense
- the goal is to create a world full of senses
- make unaccepted connotations
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