I would definitely consider myself a type A person, but I would be lying if I said I did not have my moments of procrastination and poor planning. I think it is very easy to fall victim to the term of "I'll do it later" because of eventually later becomes too late and at that point you are rushing and not doing your best work. One of the things that helps me most is keeping a list of things I have to do each day in my planner. Every day I write in my planner and put down specifically the things I need to accomplish that day. By doing this I do not forget to do something and I can see a total list so I can manage my time throughout the day and get the things done in an appropriate manner. I read "The Psychology of Check Lists" and this helped me determine how to create my checklists in a successful manner. For instance, writing down goals that are attainable that day and reasonable, by being able to complete a goal my brain feels like it did something right. I also read "11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time," this article helped me realize how to use my strengths and my weaknesses to my advantage. I am a night owl, so doing work in the evening works for me rather than trying to do it in the morning when I am not at my best. I believe this semester my biggest time challenges will be making sure I have all my different things done according to my personal schedule.
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