Personally I had never heard of the growth mindset by Carol Dweck, watching these videos and reading the articles was the first time it has been brought to my attention. I would say I fall into the category of people who like to be right and wants to be rewarded when I am right rather then be rewarded for trying to be right. I can be a hyper competitive person so to me not answering or doing something wrong automatically means I have failed. Particularly when it comes to school I can be really hard on myself if I am not doing something correctly rather than focusing on the fact that I am trying to do something much harder and am making progress towards being able to do it. An example of this in my life recently is that I have been trying to learn how to be play golf and it is the most frustrating thing ever. Since I am not doing it perfect and seeing perfect results every time I feel as if I am failing at learning to play. In reality I am making a lot of progress from where I began. I will be interested in learning more about this growth mindset throughout the semester, not only do I think it is an interesting approach, I also think it will be something that helps me as well. Since I do want to go to law school a year from now I think this mindset could be extremely beneficial and could help me continue to grow rather than stay stagnant.
Source: Growth mindset meme
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